downloadable mp3 Traditional Kids Songs
from You can download these songs, burn them onto a cdr and listen to
them anywhere! I will be adding many more songs, so please check
back often. Songs Are Copyright Can Not Be Used in YouTube Videos all songs on this website are traditional songs, and the arrangements are by me (Matt R.) copyright 2008-2017. You are free to download all of the songs and copy them to a CD. any questions, feel free to email me. thanks. User Agreement: The songs on this site are for personal and educational use only, and they may not be posted on another website or used in YouTube videos. Any use of these songs for a commercial project without prior written consent is a violation of Copyright, and will be subject to applicable fines. If you would like to use any of these songs for a commercial project please contact me.
Rhymes Mp3's and Printable Lyrics:
These are your favorite Nursery Rhymes read over comforting background
music. Great for sleepy time, or to calm down the kids. More to
come soon!
Videos! New Section! Click Here for the Following Song Videos: ABC Song, Eency Weency Spider, Hush Little Baby, Old Macdonald Had a Farm, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Head Shoulders
Knees and Toes Free
Ready to Print Coloring Pages for Kids.
Courtesy of
Dog and Cat coloring page Bird and Snake coloring page Fish and Rabbit coloring page The Best of Kids Songs Volume 1 is now on iTunes! 20 Great songs for the car, classroom, or home. Sales of this CD go to support this website.
Need some free printable coloring sheets? Check out MES Coloring. Free Mp3's of Sunday School Songs
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User Agreement: You are free to use any of these songs for personal use, but
no song may be repackaged or resold. All songs are
Traditional. The songs and content on this website are copyright 2008-2016